Astronomický snímok dňa 
Zobrazujem príspevky 1 až 5 z celkového počtu 2 (strana 1 z 1)
Beta test ABC bol uspesny a rozbehla sa uz stabilna verzia - zacina posielat jednotky. :-) Kto ma zaujem, moze sa pripojit.
There's new project at http://abcathome.com/ If you're interested grab it while account creation still open - it's said to be limited :( for now
Just let it run! I will finish in couple hours.
next one WU - after 2 hours - progress is cca 1,7 %, but deadline is 24.11 at 13.00 - i have no chance... I think i detach this PC from ABC
Yes, estimated time is wrong, on my amd64 3200+ id did WU in 14,067.42 seconds.
hmm - don't have problems with WUs there :)
Estimated time seems to be somewhat spoiled - 1% after 1,5h; 5% after 2h; 100% (finished) after whole time of ~4h :D
no... aj ja som skusil, ale jednu WU by mi to ratalo cca 125 hodin na P4 2.0G, 700Mb RAM a deadline by som teda v ziadnom pripade nestihol... tak som ju abortol...
Akurat na to pozeram a mne pokracuje vypocet tam, kde skoncil.
Aj ja a uz mam aj kredit. Zatial sa neuklada priebeh vypoctu, takze stale sa zacina WU od zaciatku. Dobre je to zratat teda na jeden krat.